Sunday, November 21, 2010

I write stories in my head.

I write stories in my head all day long. Not long novels. More like short stories or vignettes. I look at a person, a stranger, and based on my own observations, craft a story about their life. I very much doubt any of it is true, but this seems to be how my brain is wired. I have a good imagination which I put to good use with this quirk of mine. I think my love of books and reading may have influenced this habit of storymaking. Or maybe the reverse is true. Either way, chicken or egg, it all boils down to the fact that I love stories. I don't think I could ever actually write a novel and really have no desire to do so.

I see pictures, scenes if you will, rather than words in my mind. It is more like watching a short film than anything. Maybe I should become a screenwriter and put this hobby of mine to good use. I'll write the script, Dad can direct, Kathy can star in it, Jon will be my DP (Director of Photography), Micah can write the musical score, and Mom can help keep track of all the details. Of course, the Risinger family is way too multi-talented to be boxed in to one area of the moviemaking process. We would all overlap and help with pretty much every aspect, but these will be their main duties.

What was I talking about again? Right, stories. I think of life as having all those story structure elements: characters, setting, rising action, falling action, conflict, and resolution. God's story has all of those elements and so much more. The thing is I want to be a part of God's story. I want my story to be wrapped up in the Ultimate Story. I want my life story to impact the world because I am part of God's story. I'm ready for the next chapter. I'm ready for whatever comes: action, character development, conflict, relationships, plot twists. What's next, Author of Life?

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the things that totally solidified my relationship with my husband when we were dating... we would create these stories together... about people or things we saw. It's something we still do now... well, when we get time together without 4 kids clamoring for attention! It's one of the reasons we love people watching or just going for drives!
