Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter taught me a lesson.

Tonight I went to the movies to see the latest Harry Potter film with Micah and our friend Lana. We found three seats at the end of a row about five rows back in the stadium seating section. I happened to sit next to a rather large gentlemen who, very soon after I sat down, asked me if I was going to fill out the survey everyone was being given when they walked into the theater. This began an on-again-off-again conversation while we waited for the movie to begin. After the movie ended, he asked me what I was going to write down on my survey regarding my opinion of the movie, and I said "It was freakin' awesome." He agreed. I said it was nice sitting next to him this evening, and he said "Same here." He then said we would probably never see each other again, but his name was Blake by the way. I told him my name, and then we went our separate ways.

Those of you who knew me two years ago would agree with me on this statement: The story I just retold would never have happened because I would not have had a conversation with a complete stranger all by myself. This story is an example of how far I have come in growing as a social human being. I am not near as scared or apprehensive about conversing with people. I am much more brave about interacting with others because I see it as investing in something that lasts: relationships. No matter how brief or how long that relationship, that connection may last, you never know the impact you may have on that person or the impact the other person may have on you. So, thank you, Blake, my new Harry Potter friend. You made an impact on my life. I hope I made a positive impact on yours.

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