My brain is driving me crazy because it won't stop thinking of topics I could write for my blog posts. I have at least three to four different ideas that my brain keeps jumping back and forth between. A couple sentences here, a few thoughts there, and then on to another concept. It's way too busy up there for 9pm at night! I figured this blog would be a great idea for unloading some of my thoughts, which it has, but it has also turned my cabeza into a blogpost-producing monster! Anyway, I just needed to get that frustration out before my head explodes.
SoI have chosen the topic for tonight's post: "The Question." You see, I have this theory that we all have one question that we are asked the most in our lives. It's the "if I only had a dollar for every time someone asked me that" question. The Question is unique for everyone, but we all have one. My Question is one I've been asked all my life. I even came up with my Top Five Questions. So without further ado, here they are:
Heather's Top Five Questions:
5) Does your family sing to each other all the time?
4) Will you proofread this for me?
3) Are you related to _______ Risinger?
2) Do you wear tinted contacts?
1) Are your eyes really that blue?
Heather's Top Five Answers:
5) Yes, ALL the time. Why say the words when you can sing them!
4) Of course. Am I editing for content, proofing for mistakes or both?
3) (If the blank is filled with one of my family member's names) Yes.
2) Yes, I do, but the lenses are only slightly tinted so I can see them.
1) Yes, they are. I inherited them from my mom. (Gesture to Mom if she happens to be present.)
And there you have it. Now you know my Question. Now it's your turn: What's your Question?
Mine is your #1 & #2...Are your eyes really that blue or do you wear tinted contacts?