Monday, December 6, 2010

I really am slow to anger except...

Normally, I am a calm, easygoing person. Not much ruffles this calm exterior. I do pretty well with taking things as they come and overcoming obstacles without stressing out about the inconveniences. I work at not complaining and grumbling and worrying. I would much rather laugh over a mistake or mishap than shed a few tears. All in all, my emotions remain at an even keel.

However, there is one sure-fire way to spark the flames of my low-burning temper: Mess with my family. If you want to see Heather get mad, then falsely accuse, pick on, or treat one of my family members unjustly. Nothing ticks me off more than that. I am not a violent person and do not turn to physical violence  when angered. I do, however, want to confront whoever is attacking my family and let them know with a few choice words exactly what I think about their actions. As a general rule, I avoid confrontation whenever possible, but, when it comes to my family, I would face down any bully or mean-spirited idiot person who would dare cause anyone I love pain and heartache. I try very hard to forgive because it's what I am called to do as a Christ follower, but I do not easily forget these types of transgressions against my family. I can never look at a person the same way again after they have hurt a family member. There is always a part of me that rises up in indignation at the sight of the person, though I do try to not react in kind.

There is also a part of me that wants to fix the problem and make it better somehow. Usually I make something I know would make my family member smile or take them somewhere fun and relaxing. Anything to try to make up for the awful way they were treated. I absolutely hate it when someone I love is hurting, and I don't have the words to make that horrible feeling they are experiencing go away. Instead I try to make up for it somehow and let them know in a tangible way that I love them and will always stand up for them.

So, the moral of the story is to think long and hard before going up against anyone I consider part of my family or you may one day face the wrath of Heather! ( I realize this may not seem much of a threat, but it really is more frightening than you think.)

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