I know I keep commenting and posting about the weather here in Georgia, but you have to realize something. I have never lived somewhere that had actual seasonal weather. Southern California has very mild seasons. Summer is hot, fall is sorta warm with some cool days thrown in occasionally, winter is cool with some rain and random hot and cold days, and spring is nice weather with rain and alternating weeks of warm and cool temperatures.
This is not the case in Georgia. I have really only experienced three seasons so far. Summer is hot and muggy. Fall is cool with awesome, autumnal foliage. Winter is COLD! I realized today that whenever I have experienced real winter weather it was when I was visiting the mountains for a few days. I have never had to live through an actual winter with actual winter temperatures and wind chill. My heater runs all day at my house so that I don't end up shivering when I walk in the door after work and when I wake up in the morning. I've never had to do that before. I think if I lived any further north I would not survive winter at all. People would find my frozen corpse after the spring thaw.

These Southerners keep asking me how I'm doing this winter. I tell them I'm cold, of course! I still have California blood. I have to stay ridiculously bundled up everywhere I go. There are times I see people here out in 40 degree weather without a jacket on or wearing shorts. I just want to yell at them, "Are you kidding me?! Do you have a death wish?!" These Southerners just laugh at me when I say I'm cold now and say, "What 'til it gets colder!" Colder? You mean it gets colder than this?! Oh dear...I may have to walk around in all my clothes like Joey does on that episode from Friends. Either that or......I don't know. That may be my only option right now. I'll be sure to post pictures if it comes to that. For now, I'm going to bundle up in my bed underneath my down comforter with my flannel socks and pants and attempt to warm up the sheets enough so that I can fall asleep. Is it weird to wear a beanie and gloves to bed?
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