Friday, January 21, 2011

I have a guilty pleasure.

Darryl: I told her Santa would be here.
Michael: Yeah well I was told Holly would be here, single and ready to date, and we all got misled. 
Pam: Who told you that?
Michael: Nora every romantic comedy ever made!

I laughed so hard at that last line while watching The Office the other night because of the truth embedded in those words. In a romantic comedy the guy always gets the girl or vice versa, and they live happily ever after. Now, in my head, I know that is not how relationships operate in the real world. Life is much more complicated or so much more simple than in the movies. 


My romantic-loving heart sighs when the music swells at the end of the move and true love conquers all obstacles. I can't help it. No matter how sappy the story may be, I love to snuggle up on the couch and treat myself to a good dose of romance every once in awhile. My favorite movies consist of stories about the journey people take on the road to love. The storytelling side of my brain creates imaginary romantic plots all the time. Nothing fancy, mind you, but they make me smile. Pride and Prejudice, Ever After and While You Were Sleeping are my favs with strong female leads who are not afraid to be intelligent, humor sprinkled throughout, interesting plotlines, and, of course, happy endings. What more could you ask for in a romantic comedy?

I don't know if this romantic side of me comes as a surprise to some; it's not something I advertise to the world. It is simple another facet to a multi-faceted human being. Besides, even those who realize the practicality of keeping their feet firmly on the ground like to occasionally dream with their heads in the clouds.

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